Church of the Epiphany

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

Water Color by the late Sara Saunders


Sunday, February 9th             Epiphany V                                                  

            10:00 a.m.                    Morning Prayer

            11:00 a.m.                    Holy Eucharist

            Noon                            Fellowship

            1:00 p.m.                     Christian Education

Monday, February 10th            St. Scholastica, V.

Tuesday. February 11th           Our Lady of Lourdes

Wednesday, February 12th      St. Benedict Biscop, Abt.

            10:30 am                     Bible Study

Thursday, February 13th          St. Kentigern, B.C

Friday, February 14th               St. Valentine, M.

Saturday, February 15th           The Martyrs of Japan

Sunday, February 16th           Septuagesima

            10:00 a.m.                    Morning Prayer

            11:00 a.m.                    Holy Eucharist

            Noon                            Fellowship

            1:00 p.m.                     Christian Education



  •      Vicar-General to Visit-February 16, 2025-Fr. Geoffrey Boland, the area Vicar-General for the Missionary Diocese of All Saints will be with us at the 11:00 am Mass to bring us greetings from Bp. Lipka and Bp. Fitzwater.  Our customary pot-luck lunch is to follow.
  •      Our thoughts and prayers to the family of our beloved Sara Saunders, who entered the Larger Life, Monday Feb. 3rd. Details of the service at Epiphany with be forthcoming



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