

Canon Fr. Charles Nalls was installed as Rector of Epiphany - Amherst in January 2019. He is engrossed in proselytising the Anglo-Catholic Faith, and is active in local and state governance to the glory of Christendom. Archbishop Thomas Gordon of the Orthodox Anglican Church consecrated him Suffragan Bishop on December 6, 2022, the feast day of St. Nicholas who punched that vile heretic, Arius.


He is a graduate of DePauw University and Georgetown University Law Center, served as a civil lawyer and an intelligence officer in the Navy, and then Chaplain in the Virginia and Marylands' state Army divisions. He became an Anglo-Catholic priest in 2002, and has served many parishes and Dioceses since, to the present.


Organist and Music Director

Bonnie returned to Church of the Epiphany in January of 2021 after serving here as organist from 2000 to 2004.  In the interim she was organist at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Clifford, VA for 12 years and at Ascension Episcopal Church, Amherst for 8 years.


Bonnie’s musical background includes the study of organ for 11 years under organists at Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Lynchburg. She also studied piano for 8 years and sang in church choirs and various ensembles at Yale University including The Yale Glee Club, Yale Bach Society and Yale Chorus during her undergraduate years.  She was a member of the Marquand Chapel Choir at Yale Divinity School during her two years of study there.  In subsequent years she sang with choirs at Amherst Presbyterian  and Rivermont Evangelical Presbyterian Churches.


Bonnie enjoys music of different genres ranging from Baroque and Classical periods to well-known Baptist hymns.  She chooses music appropriate to the liturgical season that is both familiar and meaningful to the congregation.  Our state-of-the-art Viscount organ is a recent addition and its Physis technology that mimics orchestral sounds has revitalized our worship.  Bonnie especially likes playing what she calls “healing music” for preludes and the congregation has responded enthusiastically.

Church Officers with Bp. Nalls
From left:
Marsha P., Secretary,
Bonnie G (behind Marsha)., Junior Warden
Mary Lu G. (center), Senior Warden
Bill Cox (tall guy in back), Vestryman
Stanley G., Treasurer

Church of the Epiphany


104 Epiphany Court
Amherst, VA 24521

Phone: (434) 946-2524



Rt. Rev. Charles H. Nalls, OblSB

Phone: (434) 258-3789





Morning Prayer: 10:00am
Mass: 11:00 am


Christian Education Study: (Dante's Divine Comedy, early Purgatorio): 1:00pm after lunch



Morning Prayer: 8:00am

Bible Study (from in Numbers):

Wednesdays at 10:30am


Choir Practice:
Thursdays at 4:00pm

Game Board Night: The third Friday of the month, in the undercroft of the church, at 6:30pm. The upcoming game night is September, 9/21/2024.



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© Church of the Epiphany 2024, 2025